
The Virgin Media Way to Candidate Experience

When you write "Making candidate experience and employer brand the best it can be" as your LinkedIn headline, you pretty much know I'm going to approach you with a mic and a few questions. Neil Chivers heads up employer branding at...

Employer Branding is Bullsh*t

Who thinks employer branding sucks? Hung Lee does. He says employer branding is broken and candidate experience is crap. As the founder of Workshape and a prolific recruitment pundit, I'm willing to hear him out. Listen to the interview on iTunes, SoundCloud...

Social Media & SEO: Why Both Matter for Your Employer Branding

How can you get SEO and social work together in perfect harmony? I've spoken to Jo Turnbull, blogger extraordinaire and organiser of the Search London event to get some inter-disciplinary collaboration wisdom. Have a listen to the interview on iTunes, SoundCloud...

5 Steps to Engaging with Millennial Talent

Millennials. Some of us market to them. Some of us recruit them. One of us says they don't exist. That one person is Brenda Wong of Debut. I recently had a chat with Brenda after she delivered a great talk...

The 5 Types of Content that Get Both Links and Shares

  Some content gets hundreds of shares but never gets picked up by Google. Other content will be ranked well in searches but rarely appears on social. What's the magic behind creating content that gets both shares and backlinks? I've...

Pre-Suasion: A Marketer’s Way to Influence, with Dr. Robert Cialdini

Marketing. It’s the art of influencing, persuading and gently nudging people towards your product or services. To learn the science behind it, I’ve had a chat with the grand master of influence and persuasion - Dr. Robert Cialdini. Have a...

The Gradual Decline of Twitter

Twitter, the social network that offers real-time updates and requires brevity, is no longer growing. How did this happen and what should Twitter do to get back on even keel? I’ve spoken to James Tozer of The Economist to get the...

How Enterprise Rent-A-Car Drives Employer Brand

When you rent a car, do you think about the brand that provides it to you? Or do you just go for which ever desk has a decent car within your price range? Imagine if you're considering working for a...

Employee Advocacy: It’s a Methodology, not a Tool

  Employee advocacy isn’t a tool, it’s a methodology. You what now? To understand more, I’ve spoken to Elizabeth Jurewicz of the the managed cloud computing company that is Rackspace. Have a listen on iTunes, Soundcloud or keep reading for a...