This week we’ll learn how a legacy tech company with a bit of a reputational issue turned itself into a talent attraction magnet with the help of their employees.
We sit down with Jenn Prevoznik is the Head of Early Talent Acquisition at SAP and she delves into how the company goes about hiring over 7,000 generation Z employees.
Have a listen to the interview below, keep reading for a summary and be sure to subscribe to the Employer Branding Podcast.
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We deal with students who are currently in school and are going to be working in roles and jobs that haven’t even be created yet, so as a recruiter we have to anticipate the wants and needs of the business.
We need to hire for potential and passion over pedigree, we want to find someone who can really understand the challenges and can make a genuine individual contribution to our company. We have 5 generations of people working together and we have to find a way to use all their distinct capabilities to help our company thrive.
I would say it is the whole person.
We really wanted to tell the human story and that’s really at the forefront of this EVP. What makes our EVP so unique is that all about employees, throughout a wide range of roles, ages, ethnicities, roles, so you see every type of employee we have. People recommended their friends and their colleagues to become the face of SAP.
This is our employer brand channel, where we feature our EVP and have a lot of our content and campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, job posts, awards, and more.
From my perspective, being in the university hiring landscape our best source of hire is interns. We teach them, we develop them and then we can convert them into a full-time employee once they graduate. Which shows the business value of investing in young talent.
We also a referral program at SAP because we want our employees to be happy and refer their friends. We really tap into our employee network, and especially our alumni.
We’ve won over 200 employer awards in 2017. One thing I’m particularly proud of is that we’ve revolutionized our intern hiring and the long-term opportunities we offer them.
We created the Internship Experience Project which defined who is eligible to be an intern, what projects they will be working on, how much learning they will get, what kind of experiences they will have and what kind of fun things they can be a part of.
We have noticed much higher employee engagement, our employees are excited to work with these interns and become ambassadors for the company.
I have to constantly remind myself that running a digital marketing campaign in Russia doesn’t always yield the same results in Brazil. So we constantly have to ask ourselves; What does success look like? Are we finding value? We need to figure out why we are doing what we are doing, and something we need to improve on in 2018.
We’re fortunate enough to have our own ATS. Everything we do from digital buys to social campaigns to job boards directs traffic into this talent community. That way we can measure volume and traffic. So someone meets us but doesn’t get hired, we can still look 5 years down the road and see how many times they might have applied, how many times they have viewed our pages and more. So constantly evaluating and looking at our data is key to our success.
We’re all about getting our 88,000 employees to become our biggest assets. So not only showcasing them in our campaigns but we want to train them to become employee advocates and how they can share their experiences at SAP on a daily basis.
We want to transform our employer brand team into an army of our entire employee base and showcase who we are. So that’s our biggest challenge, getting all of our employees to really start working for us and to become fantastic thought leaders within our industry.
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