A Guide to Finding the Best Influencers

  The last time we discussed influencer marketing on Link Humans we covered a number of topics, including the definition of an influencer, the various types of influencers you may encounter, how to work with them, and more. There’s one important...

How Employee Engagement Drives Employee Advocacy

  Why is employee engagement critical to boosting employee advocacy? What are the benefits of employee engagement? How do you measure ROI on engagement? I've spoken to Dave Hawley who is the VP of Marketing and Sales Development at SocialChorus to get...

How to Build a Kick-Ass Company Culture

  How can you create a kick-ass company culture to hire tech talent from all around the world? How can you promote a single work location to people who may never have considered it? What makes an e-commerce giant unique? I've had a...

How Video Game Developer King Brought Its EVP to Life

How do you bring an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to life? How do you differentiate between a very popular consumer brand and your employer brand? What does "a great saga needs all sorts of heroes" actually mean? To get some...

How Capgemini Recruits with Social Media

  What are the best social channels for recruiting globally? How do you differentiate yourself from talent competitors? How do you calculate return on investment on social media training for recruiters? To get some answers, I had a chat with Sarang Brahme who...

A Guide to Social Media in the Workplace

What are the most popular social networks for recruiting and job search? What is smart working and how do you embrace it? How can climbing rocks help us in the office? To answer these questions and more, I've had the...

The Mobile Experience Checklist for Your Website

  “This will be the year of mobile.” We’ve heard this prediction statement for about a decade, with an even bigger focus since 2010 thanks to the rise of tablets, phablets and other portable devices. In that time, I’ve seen brands upgrade...

A Guide to Employer Brand Management

  How can your organisation use employer brand management to attract, recruit and retain the best talent? What social media channels work best for employer branding? Who single-handedly turned Britain's fortunes around during the second world war? I've had a chat with Richard...

How to Build an Employee Advocacy Program

What's the key to a successful employee advocacy program? We've had a chat with Mikael Lauharanta, the co-founder of Smarp, to find out. Listen to the podcast interview on Soundcloud, iTunes or keep reading for a transcript of our conversation....


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