Why KPIs Are Critical to Employer Branding

When you’re building an employer brand, you face a number of hurdles. It can be difficult to delineate between what is and is not your job. Your role may sit anywhere between corporate marketing, internal communications, and corporate branding. No...

How One B2C Organization Revamped its Approach to Recruiting

Like many businesses, Swisscom was trying to hire IT and engineering talent. However, in a tight jobs market, the telecommunications organization struggled to compete against top tech companies. “We are mainly associated with being a government company and with our...

How to Combine Marketing, Branding, and Employee Messaging

Many people working in employer branding will tell you that a key part of the job is building coalitions with adjacent departments such as corporate branding, internal communications, and corporate marketing. For Elena Aylott, VP of global employee experience, and...

How to Get Leadership to Buy Into an EVP Strategy

When you’re in charge of implementing an employee value proposition (EVP) or employer brand strategy across a global company, you can’t do it alone. Yes, you may be able to research and identify why people have joined and stayed at...

China vs. America: Employer Brand Strategy Based on Country Culture

Do companies need to adapt their employer brand strategy depending on the country's culture? A comparative study of China and the United States. Introduction One of the most significant challenges for many multinational companies (MNCs) is adapting their employer brand...

What Tech Talent Is Looking for Beyond Salary

One of the main challenges with talent acquisition and retention in tech today is the rate at which talent moves between organizations. 48% of tech workers surveyed in 2021—nearly half—said they thought they were likely to find a new job...

The Keys to a Great Employer Branding Content Team

For any employer branding team, content is going to play a key role in how you get your employer value proposition (EVP) across to potential employees. The problem is that content creation can often feel like you’re stuck on a...

How Large, Global Brands Challenge Assumptions with Employer Branding

Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft: these are large, global companies that don’t have any trouble recruiting top tech talent because they’re, well, extremely well-known tech companies. However, as digital transformation has rapidly accelerated in the wake of 2020, everybody is looking...

Embracing Sustainability in Employer Branding

If 2020 taught us anything, it is that taking responsibility as an employer is key. Responsibility in the form of management communicating effectively with staff, in relation to creating a safe working environment for employees and also, managing work expectations....


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