EDF Energy needed to measure the impact and importance of employer brand to senior leadership.

Measurement depends on who in the organization is asking you what question, so here’s what we did.


EDF Energy is the UK’s largest producer of low-carbon energy and the country’s biggest electricity supplier by volume, powering more than 5.5 million homes and businesses.

The company also owns and operates the UK’s eight nuclear power stations and are building a new one at Hinkley Point C in Somerset, which will provide sustainable, low-carbon electricity for around six million homes for many years to come.


  • To measure the impact and importance of EDF Energy’s employer brand.
  • To track the employer brand through our tangible Employer Brand Index scores.
  • To help EDF Energy through recommendations to help improve their employer brand.

What we did

  • The results of the Index covers many key areas of the organization, and it allowed us to paint a very detailed picture of life inside the organization, but also that perception of life, and what are they saying about EDF Energy, outside.
  • We can pick out specific areas, whilst a lot of work is going into employer branding internally, we can then reference this and see what is being met if those messages are being understood and landing.
  • Do candidates, employees, and alumni see EDF Energy as an organization that will keep them fulfilled? Does EDF really have a strong work/life balance?
  • We are able to provide EDF Energy with a much richer seam of information about the organization that paints a holistic picture, that can also be segmented up to talk to various parts of the organization. All really do input into what life is like inside EDF Energy.
  • It continues to provide EDF Energy with a challenge, but also the confirmation that certain things that they’re doing, they’re doing well.
  • The qualitative and quantitative Employer Brand Index allows the organization to get away from a single specific metric, such as; how many people stayed with them for a certain period.
  • With the help of the Index, we can look at the health of an industry-specific ecosystem, which provides us with the opportunity to be a bit more targeted in specific areas. They do need to keep continue working on it, and even ramp it up in this area or that area as well.
Employer Brand & EVP Manager at EDF Energy

EDF Energy’s Perspective

From our point of view, I have to go to the powers that be and talk about the fact that we try to create an authentic and real vision of our organization externally. How do we know that it’s correct? The Index has been perfect for that, as we can marry up the two, we can look at what do people think of us in certain key areas, as an example diversity & inclusion.

Listen to the Employer Branding Podcast with Neil Daly, Employer Brand & EVP Manager, accountable for defining and promoting EDF Energy’s internal & external reputation and image as an employer and a place to work.



  • It’s enabled EDF Energy to shift the conversation, they’re not just going down to a single specific metric. Or how many people stay with them for this or that period.
  • It’s holding a mirror up, not saying that something’s miles away, but make aware that they might need to dial it up a bit more. From that point of view, it’s been invaluable for EDF Energy.
  • The Employer Brand Index enables EDF Energy not to just put a figure on a spreadsheet, but get away from Time to hire or Cost per hire.
  • The overall reception of employer branding within a business who traditionally may not get the employer branding piece. It’s helped EDF Energy land that much more clearly.


Our clients all have unique challenges in their employer brand. These case studies provide evidence as to why improving your employer brand leads to tangible results.


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